Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Date, Friends From Japan & Kangaroos, Oh My!

So I had date #3 this morning - this time with a 31-year-old. His age was just right, unfortunately, he wasn't. Again, nothing really wrong with him. He was perfectly nice. It was just another one of those really bland dates where I struggle to think up things to say.

The only weird part was at the end. He says, "I'm done with my coffee" and stands up, apparently letting me know the date was over. (I guess it didn't matter whether I was finished with my coffee - thank goodness I was or I might have thrown it at him.)

Then he says, "Well, call me when you get back to town." I have no what idea what that means. I swear, I need boy-interpreter. Was that a "call me when hell freezes over" call me or a "for real, call me" call me? I kind of think he should call me. I'd probably go out with him again - just to give a chance to get more exciting, but I'm not sure I'm interested enough to call him. That's a lot of work!

My whole thought is "What's the point?" Just give me my starter cat and let me start working on my future as the lady who's found dead with her face half chewed off by her 89 cats. My friend Liz, however (undoubtedly sick of hearing me whine about men), told me I can't give up until date #10. I guess she has a point. The law of averages is most of the people you date aren't going to be the person or people you marry.

On to Fun Stuff - Friends from Japan and Kangaroos!

My friends Jennifer and Brian were in town from Okinawa, Japan. He's a chaplain in the air force and she's married to him. They hardly ever get to Columbus - Jennifer's brother's getting married. We went to a Chinese buffet for lunch, where Jennifer (pictured on the right) ate frog legs and Brian and I watched in horror.

Then we went to the zoo. It was really hot and animal poop doesn't smell so great when it's really hot (or ever, to be honest!) And you know what else doesn't smell so great? People who don't wear deodorant. There were a lot of stinky people there.

We saw lots of great animals. A kangaroo, gorillas, elephants, valley girls. My favorite, of course, were the penguins. I'd like one as a pet!

Pink Toenails

Yesterday, Stephanie and I went to get pedicures. So relaxing and my toes look fabulous! (I'd take a picture, but I'm afraid foot fetish people would find and use it without my permission in foot porn.)

We got Chinese food and Steph spilled shit all over my carpet. I do it all the time, so I don't care at all (heck, I spill shit on executive's carpets) but she said I'd write exactly that about her, so I feel like I should!

Oh - my neighbor apparently is using a red lightbulb in his/her outside light. Does that mean I live in the red light district? Am I going to have johns knocking on my door? Perhaps foot fetish johns who got wind of my new pink tootsies. Yikes!


Anonymous said...

I said I was sorry!!! I didn't mean to be so clumsy!

Eljabo said...

Now I feel bad - I was so completely kidding! If you knew the amount of crap I've spilled on my carpet, you'd die laughing. In fact, I just spilled red nail polish on there the other day. Luckily, nail polish remover works on beige carpet too!