When I was younger, I remember being MORTIFIED because my parents played '50s and '60s music in the car. I didn't want my friends to hear it. I remember wishing they'd play Madonna or Bon Jovi or something cooler than what we actually listened to.
I've recently found this great new radio station (actually Steph found it...I just listen to it.) It's 91.5 for you Columbusites and it plays non-stop 80s and possibly 90s music. One minute you're listening to one of my favorite songs growing up ("Waiting for a Star to Fall") the next you're listening to REM's "Losing My Religion." It's very varied.
I absolutely love it - it's 100% way beating out the Barack Obama Book on CD I have in my car.
As I was listening to the radio today, I realized that if I had kids right now, they'd probably be mortified to ride in the car. Probably more so, because I also now listen to NPR and books on CD. But seriously, I'm doing the exact things that used to annoy me about my parents. Listening to old childhood music instead of getting with the modern scene. Oh well -- I'll keep jamming to "Sussudio," thank you very much.
In tribute to my love for 80s music, here's a scary-ass picture of the modern Taylor Dayne. If I EVER think about getting Botox, please stop me.
LB, funny that you're talking about listening to music in the car with kids. The Big O came home today to the smooth sounds of 60's jazz -- and what's more, he was wearing the baby duds you got for him. This was a critical and time-consuming deliberation for Kathy and the nurses, but your clothes beat out three other choices. Well done, you!
I'm so excited that O wore my clothes - the AC/DC bib, right?
The page is cute!
No, not the bib, which is hilarious, but the onesie (wow, that's a weird word) that said 'baby.' Kathy went on and on about the brown and blue stripes.
How's vacation treating you? I miss sleep, but not work. Weird, huh?
Did the onesie fit? (You're right - it IS a weird word.)
Vacation is swell - I'm getting all the stuff done I can't get done during the week. Hope your paternity's going well - and it's absolutely not weird that you don't miss work! I miss the Starbucks though...home brew isn't the same...
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