Sunday, September 09, 2007

Baby Got Girth

I had to have my girth measured today. (I must be a pervert because I've always associated the word 'girth' with penises. When I shared this, only one other person agreed. Everyone else looked at me like I was crazy - maybe THIS is why I have no romance luck.)

Back to my girth... nothing makes you feel more attractive than having some guy pinch your fat rolls. Luckily, I don't even have close to 50% body fat and the guy who runs the camp told me I had a waist "many women would kill for." (His words, not mine.) Of course, women would stop with the waist-envy once they got a peek at my child-bearing hips. Then they'd say "you can keep your waist, honey!"

I feel much better about the class though. The guy in charge was really nice and he said there are 51 women in class between ages 21 - 61. Plus, in the last timed mile he did, the times ranged from a 6-minute-mile apparently run by the Bionic Woman to a 15-minute mile walked by a 50-something woman. I can surely do something in between - even if I have to crawl! I even bought running shoes today - so I'm well prepared for an entire month of having my ass kicked.

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