Thursday, May 10, 2007

What's the Buzz on the Bees?

Have any of you been paying attention to this disappearing bee thing?

It's definitely a big deal and something we probably want to avoid. However, I can't help but think of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy when all the dolphins disappeared right before the Earth was bulldozed by the Vogons. (How geeky am I?)

Maybe the bees know something we don't...

Speaking of knowing something we don't, has anyone ever heard of Fruit Brute cereal? A friend was talking about it at lunch today and I thought he was making it up just to mess with me. Lo and behold it was a real live cereal I completely missed out on. Maybe they didn't have it in Maine where I grew up - or maybe I was just too enamored with Count Chocula.


Anonymous said...

Sad! I love honey.

Anonymous said...

Good! I hate honey!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

My friend Babs is an amature beekeeper. And, her bees LIVE! ...while those "Pro" keepers that she knows have all suffered mass casualties!

Eljabo said...

That video is pretty dang funny!