Friday, May 21, 2010

True Confessions

I have the Miller arms.

I'm not technically a Miller, yet somehow the Miller Big-Ass Arm gene has been passed down a few generations, glomming onto my arms and forcing them to continue waving long after my hands have stopped moving.

The Situation

My wedding dress is sleeveless.

To be honest, I thought I looked damn fine in my wedding dress. Heck, ladies in the shop were stopping to tell me how beautiful I looked in it. They didn't say that to the other bride in the shop (who was wearing what might have been a marshmallow disguised as a dress.)

I thought I looked OK until I read about a bride who regretted going sleeveless because she decided her arms looked like pasty white Fred Flintstone clubs. Now THAT'S a visual, and all I can think about when I picture myself in the dress.

The Plan

Luckily I have a plan -- I ALWAYS have a plan! The plan was acquired via Barnes and Noble.

Step 1: Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy

Step 2: Totally Toned Arms: Get Michelle Obama Arms in 21 Days
My favorite sentence from this book is: "Remember that your skin cells are highly elastic. If a pregnant woman can re-gain her prepregnancy belly (and indeed she can; I have clients who have achieved six-pack abs after having children), then your arms can bounce back from sagging skin. There is no exception to this rule."

I've decided Michelle Obama arms are too much pressure for me at this point. Sleeveless and sexy, however, I can do!

In one week, I will kick off the Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy program in all its glory. And why not entertain you with my progress? It'll be pretty dang funny!

Hopefully, in six weeks, I'll only have Wilma Flintstone club arms instead of Fred Flintstone club arms. I'll keep you posted!

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