Sunday, January 20, 2013

I Think I'm Back

Yeah - I admit it.  I've been a crappy blogger.

I apologize for the long-time-no-posting.  I've been dealing with a personal medical issue that consumed the majority of my energy in 2012. Although I've been seeing a doctor, I had a ridiculous thought that if I just stayed silent about it, it would eventually resolve itself and I wouldn't have to tell anybody.  Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case yet, but I'm still hopeful that it eventually will be resolved.

I'm still not really ready to share the details here yet.  I've tried to write about it several times, but every time I try, I chicken out.  It's just such a personal issue and already takes so much of my energy, I hate to give it any more. And my absolute least favorite thing is when I mention it to one of my friends and they instantly start using a pitying tone of voice with me. I'd hate to think about people reading this blog and thinking "poor Eljabo."

The truth of the matter is, I'm fine.  I'm not dying.  I have a wonderful husband, terrific family and/friends and an enjoyable (on most days) job.  Plus, my two cats are way adorable.

So my new year's resolutions for 2013 are to:

  • Focus my attention on the things that truly are important
  • Spend more time with the people I care about
  • Get in better shape so I don't look like a giant hog in a bridesmaid dress (I'm in my cousin's wedding this October and my brother's wedding in spring 2014)
  • Take better care of this blog.  I've been writing here for a long time and would hate to give it up  after so many years.
So check back, I'm sure I will have some profound things to write about this year!

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