Monday, May 29, 2006

Sigh - my holiday weekend is already over!

My Memorial Day Weekend was weekend o' family. I hung out at my grandmother's house in teeny-tiny Flushing, Ohio. It was my grandmother's birthday and my dad's birthday, so family obligations were definitely in place.

It was certainly relaxing. Flushing is one of those towns where you drive down the one road in the town and know a 50 year history for every family in every single house. On Saturday night, we went out for an Italian dinner for birthday celebration. The highlight was definitely a pitcher of sangria.

My grandmother is babysitting a parakeet named Jack. We tried to let the stupid bird out - it's trapped in a cage all day long. It wouldn't fly out - all it did was stare in a mirror all day long. In fact, we caught little Jack kissing the mirror on several occasions. Yesterday, we visited some graves and my mom and I stayed at my aunt's to babysit their dog Jack. (Why so many Jacks?!?!)

My aunt's dog Jack is crazy. Absolutely crazy. Running around, barking, sniffing, molesting my mother - no wonder they wanted a night away! (Although he's ridiculously cute!)

This meant we got to hang out in my aunt's hot tub. I bought a $13 bathing suit from Wal-Mart for the occasion. You see all these women on television looking so cute in their bathing suits - they did not buy them from Wal-Mart. The suit I got somehow made my chest completely flat (no small feat!). In fact, I would've felt more attractive in a Hefty sack. (Of course I was in Flushing with my mom, so no worries on whether or not I was attractive!.)


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