Sunday, August 06, 2006

I Had a Fun Date! Woo Hoo For Me!

For those of you keeping tabs, date #4 was tonight. The good news is, my scalp is no longer peeling so there were no mistaken dandruff woes. After much fussing over my hair and outfit and feeling extremely nervous about the whole thing, I met Bachelor # 4 at Gordon Biersch in the Arena District for a drink. No need to be nervous - he was funny, nice, intelligent and ambitious. He seemed to like me OK too - he even paid me some compliments, which was nice. (Really, anyone who wants to compliment me is OK in my book!) The only thing is, I think he might be full of himself - he's an MBA student and MBA students are always full of themselves.

We were there for awhile - we left when the restaurant closed and then walked around outside for a bit. In general, first dates are embarrassing, awkward and cringeworthy. But as far as first dates go, this is definitely one of the better ones I've ever had.

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