Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy Friday!

I'm so glad it's the weekend - except that the weekend means more rehearsals and more screaming, which makes me sad. Here are some random things you might enjoy on this lovely Friday in October:
  • Check out this picture. I know the topic isn't funny, and it might be a fake pic, but do you see any similarities? Tee hee...

  • Wired magazine invited authors to write six-word stories, and they're absolutely great. As a semi-writer, I can attest that this is really hard to do well. I'm going to try it as a writing exercise - you should too and post them in my comments! Here are my three favorites: Longed for him. Got him. Shit.- Margaret Atwood; Gown removed carelessly. Head, less so.- Joss Whedon; Starlet sex scandal. Giant squid involved.- Margaret Atwood.
  • K-Fed: No More Tampax Shames - Yes, Kevin Federline has confessed that he is no longer embarrassed to buy feminine hygiene products for his wife. Here's his exact quote: “I used to be embarrassed to go to the store and buy tampons, but that’s all past tense,” Federline told EW. “Once you make it through that, then you’re good.”

    Good to know. I never understood why men were embarrassed to buy them anyway. Do they think the cashiers think they stick them up their bums or something? 'Cause there aren't many other activities men can do with those things... maybe build a cool fort.

    Sadly, I've realized that K-Fed looks like a redneck version of Sawyer from Lost.

Incredible Hottie Update

Well, that's it for my randomness. Oh for those who are keeping tabs of my love life (some peeps are interested!), you may have noticed that I haven't written about the Incredible Hottie lately. He was a fun fling, but a bit too flaky, so I've bid him farewell (awhile ago). Hopefully the next fellow I meet will have some substance behind the appearance. Enjoy your Friday!

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