- Her - Went to BOMA (a ritzy frou-frou bar) and racked up a $300 drink tab
- Me - Went to Cracker Barrel with my parents for Father's Day brunch
- Her - Spent hours achieving her look - down to super-short shorts and smoky eyes
- Me - Put hair in ponytail so it wouldn't annoy me while shopping for kitten supplies
- Her - Called brother at 5 a.m. because she was still out
- Me - Saw brother for about 10 minutes when he came home from work in between my viewing of Breach with my mom and my 11 p.m. bedtime
- Her - Woke up with hickey on her neck - her first one ever (hopefully not from her brother)
- Me - Played fetch with parents' dog
We're even about the same age - she said she it was her 30th birthday last weekend. I feel slightly dull - although I don't really want to do all those things. Particularly the random hickey. I'm 30 - I don't need to be investing in turtlenecks at my age. Let's leave that to the high schoolers!
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