Monday, June 15, 2009

It's Been a Blur

I seem to constantly be apologizing for being a slacker- blogger. It's not that I don't love you. It's just that the last thing I feel like doing at night is typing on my computer. (Except I apparently don't mind updating my Facebook status -- probably because I can do that directly from my iphone. Writing blog entries takes a little longer.)

Here's what I've been up to!

Last Weekend: Dwight, Dog Races and Dugouts

On Friday, Simon and I went with Michael and Tara to a Dwight Yoakam concert on
Wheeling Island. I'm not really a Dwight follower. Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to Dwight. I just don't own any of his music. But, I'm always game for a new adventure, so this worked for me.

We started out at the Wheeling Island Casino. In all the years I
lived in Wheeling, I never went to the casino. (Probably because I was underage when I lived there.) We had a few drinks and some pizza, admired the senior citizens attached to the 3 cent slot machines and walked to the concert sporting our fancy cowboy hats. (Thank you Target!)

"Sit Down! Sit Down!"

We were on the ground so it was hard to see unless we were standing. That was partly because everyone in front of us was standing. We were dancing around to the music when I noticed a toothless senior citizen standing next to Michael screaming at the top of her lungs. "Sit down!" she yelled, her face dangerously red. "Sit down! None of us can see because you're standing up. Sit down!"

I was appalled, but meekly sat down like the good girl I am (Tara also sat - the boys were willing to risk being shunned by the back row.) Of course, as soon as I sat down, I was eye-level to a bunch of butt cracks. I look back at the lady and wave at the butt cracks. She screams "Go on - tell them to sit down." Yeah right! I'm not a nut job, so I stood back up. Next, she told the security guard on us who proceeded to tell her there was nothing he can do. He moved her to another section. Thank goodness! The woman was 100 years old. Surely, she has been to a concert in her life. You don't go to concerts to sit in your seat - it's not an orchestra. You go to dance and sing and have a good time!

Move Along, Little Doggie

The next day, we went back to the casino and watched some dog races. Those suckers are FAST! I bet on a couple of races, but both of my dogs came in dead last. I feel slightly guilty about watching the races, because it's not the best thing for animals. But honestly, they looked like they were having a blast -- chasing the stuffed rabbit, catching it, running around. Their tails were wagging a mile a minute.

A good friend I've known since the sixth grade stopped by the racetrack to see me. I was in her wedding 11 years ago (yikes!) and haven't talked to her much since. It was great to catch up though! She knew all kinds of hilarious stories about our classmates.

Swing Batter Batter Batter Swing!

On Saturday night, we went to our friend Tony's birthday party. It was at the Clippers game at the brand new Huntington Park. The
stadium was gorgeous, but we didn't watch much of the game. We had a few drinks and snacks and chatted with the peeps. Afterward, we went to Gordon Biersch for more festivities. All in all, a fun night!

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