Thursday, October 27, 2011


I'm going to the Man Market on Friday. Yes, you heard me right -- the Man Market. I'm going with one one of my single friends. (Plus, a teensy-tiny part of me has always wanted to see a Man Market in action.) In addition, it's Halloween themed and I love costumes!

My husband is being very kind about me going -- I'm not sure I would be as thrilled with him going to a Woman Market. Although I guess it would be the same thing as Hooter's and he's certainly been there a few times for bachelor parties. (I'm a little surprised that's where they go - but to each their own, I guess!)

However, since I am a married woman, I want a wholesome costume. I don't want to look like Slutterella.

As I scoped out the costume store, I found slutty bride, nurse, zombie, vampire, cat, EMT, school girl, cheerleader, clown, witch, hot dog and ghost costumes. In other words, ALL the costumes were for hoochie mamas.

My lady bug costume recently arrived in the mail. I was horrified to learn that it was, in fact, a lady-of-the-night bug costume. Hot pants -- there are hot pants and the back gapes open.

I don't have time to get another costume, so I'm going to pair it with a long sleeved black t-shirt and black leggings. It won't be perfect, but it's better than completely being a slut-bug.

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