Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I'm So Bad!

Today, I've been a major rebel...for me, anyway!

I ate a doughnut for breakfast. I went to see the Sex and the City movie. I skipped bellydancing in favor of sushi and gossip. After that, I drove through Sonic and got a calorie-laden Reese's Blast. It's been fun!

I loved, loved, loved the Sex and the City movie. I can't believe how against the TV show I used to be - now I've seen every episode. It reminds me of a more exciting version of my life - particularly the quirky men they've dated. I think I've gone out with some of those guys! In fact, I just took the "Which character are you?" and apparently I'm Carrie. (And no, I didn't cheat on it like I did on the "Which Golden Girl are you?" quiz.)

Obviously, the movie's a little predictable but it was fun, warm and covered a wide range of emotions. I laughed, I cried, I can you beat that for entertainment?

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